90 miles outside of Chicago...
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
The Peruvian time
Hello my friends,
This time i won´t be writing in French, this will be an English post.
I would like to share my troublesome experience i just went through at school. I feel that i have to share it in order to reduce this press i have on my chest. Since when punctuality became a big issue for me? It's been always like that actually, plus it is not a big characteristic of Peruvians, we are actually known for patenting the word "The Peruvian Time". What does that mean? Means being always late, seriously always. We are not like Germans, who always are early on time when appointments are scheduled to them. Well, going back to "The Peruvian Time" i must confess that is not a term i am proud of, not at all. And i also have to confess that "The Peruvian Time" is ruining my daily life. When a Peruvian says "See you at 8pm" the appropriate translation is "See you at 8:30pm" (AT LEAST!), it's not like Germans or British who in their understanding that means "See you at 7:50pm", which is a good thing to follow, that i should definitely follow. I think it's part of their culture; however, it's not ours.
Being said that before, i'm going to describe my recent experience about punctuality (or should i say unpunctuality?). I was scheduled a presentation for today at 7am at school, so i takes me 30-40 in average to commute to school, that means that i have to be ready at 6:20 - 6:30 in order to make it on time. Well, today i took the bus at 6:45 and a lot of incovenients happen during commuting, the most relevant is that my cab got broken when i was very close to school!, took a bus and had to walk all the way to the classroom which is, by the way, at least 10 minutes walking. I arrived at the classroom at 7:30am and i could see my professor's face expression (disappointed) and i felt bad for myself and for the rest of the group, they were already presenting and when my turn came my professor refuse to let me present.
After the presentation i apologize for the inconvenience and she said something that still remains in my head "You just lost your plane" meaning that i could have lost the most important meeting in my life. I know i have no justifications, no excuses but this time i have failed to myself. She has given me a big life lesson and i take responsibility for it.
This time i won´t be writing in French, this will be an English post.
I would like to share my troublesome experience i just went through at school. I feel that i have to share it in order to reduce this press i have on my chest. Since when punctuality became a big issue for me? It's been always like that actually, plus it is not a big characteristic of Peruvians, we are actually known for patenting the word "The Peruvian Time". What does that mean? Means being always late, seriously always. We are not like Germans, who always are early on time when appointments are scheduled to them. Well, going back to "The Peruvian Time" i must confess that is not a term i am proud of, not at all. And i also have to confess that "The Peruvian Time" is ruining my daily life. When a Peruvian says "See you at 8pm" the appropriate translation is "See you at 8:30pm" (AT LEAST!), it's not like Germans or British who in their understanding that means "See you at 7:50pm", which is a good thing to follow, that i should definitely follow. I think it's part of their culture; however, it's not ours.
Being said that before, i'm going to describe my recent experience about punctuality (or should i say unpunctuality?). I was scheduled a presentation for today at 7am at school, so i takes me 30-40 in average to commute to school, that means that i have to be ready at 6:20 - 6:30 in order to make it on time. Well, today i took the bus at 6:45 and a lot of incovenients happen during commuting, the most relevant is that my cab got broken when i was very close to school!, took a bus and had to walk all the way to the classroom which is, by the way, at least 10 minutes walking. I arrived at the classroom at 7:30am and i could see my professor's face expression (disappointed) and i felt bad for myself and for the rest of the group, they were already presenting and when my turn came my professor refuse to let me present.
After the presentation i apologize for the inconvenience and she said something that still remains in my head "You just lost your plane" meaning that i could have lost the most important meeting in my life. I know i have no justifications, no excuses but this time i have failed to myself. She has given me a big life lesson and i take responsibility for it.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
A lettre pour Lalla
Paris, le 12 Octobre 2011
Salut Sara, ça va?
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A street in Cuzco |
Je sais que tu es contente pour lire me lettre. Alors, je vais dire mon voyage au Pérou:
1. J'ai visite des ruines du Macchu Picchu a Cuzco avec Erika et Renzo. Ils sont mes amies de l'universitaire. Après, nous avons danse tout la nuit a la ville du Cuzco. Ca a ete une bonne experience!
2. En plus, Jesenia et Sebastian sont venus a Cuzco deux jours après nous;alors, nous avons décidé de manger dans un restaurant de l’hôtel Inkaterra. Les repas ont été delicieux! Et le prix n'a pas été bon marche. Tu veux connaître quelques plats nous avons commandé? Bon, tu peux liser les suivants lignes.
* Entrée: Salade verte --> un plat avec ces ingredients: des carottes, des tomates et des haricots verts avec du sel et du citron.
* Plat principal: Soupe de mote --> C'est un bon plat typique de Cuzco.
- des pommes de terre
- des fèves
- des haricots verts
- de l'agneau (comment 100g)
- du sel et du poivre au goût
* Boisson --> Nous avons commandé de la bière "Cusquena"
Qu'est que tu penses? C'est délice!
Finalement, je voudrais que tu voyages avec moi a Cuzco l’année prochaine, juillet ou août peut-être.
C'est tout.
Bisous. XOXO
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
So guys, how's everything going so far? I'm not sure if I told you this but I'm taking French classes since last month. I think i've learnt a lot. My teacher has given us sort of a project which is writing our own diary. I'll post it here; however, names, places, events might have been changed a little since I'd like to protect friends personal lifes. Here it comes:
Lundi 12 Septembre, 15h
J’ai été à San Isidro à Lima au Pérou avec mes amis. J’ai fait une réunion une heure avant et je pense qu’elle a été trop bien ! Mais, la présentation de mon amie n’a pas été bonne. Elle a oublié beaucoup de choses, alors notre chef s’est fâché un peu. Après, nous avons mange au restaurant. Le restaurant a été bon qu’il s’appelle « Segundo Muelle ». Nous avons commandé les plats suivants : « Maki de Pulpo al Olivo » et « Cebiche Mixto ». Ils ont été délices !
Mardi 13 Septembre, 7h
Aujourd’hui, je suis allée à l’université avec ma sœur. Nous avons fait classes dans la même heure. J’ai fait classe de Ressources Humaines au building R et elle a fait classe de Mathématiques Financières au building G. J’ai recommandé cette class parce que le professeur est super. Il a bonnes critiques comme professeur aussi. Mes amies et moi avons pris cette classe avec lui et nous avons fait de bonnes notes.
Mercredi 14 Septembre, 16h
Première fois a mon travaille que j’ai senti malade et j’ai ne sait pas pourquoi. J’ai parlé avec ma chef et elle a dit que si j’ai senti trop malade, je peux aller a ma maison, alors je suis parti. J’ai pris « El Metropolitano » et je me suis repenti parce qu’il a été plein. Prochaine fois, je pense deux fois avant de voyager dans « El Metropolitano ». Quand je suis arrive à ma maison, mon chien m’a été attendu.
Jeudi 15 Septembre, 20h
Ce soir, j’ai fait une conversation avec mon professeur de Gestion Stratégique, il m’a demande pourquoi je suis arrivée on retard a la classe chaque jeudi (classe de 19h a 22h). J’ai expliqué que je fais classe de française à la Alliance Française à Javier Prado près l’avenue « La Molina ». Il m’a dit qu’il ne peut pas présence dans la classe et il a excuse pour cela. Alors, je pense que pour l’instant je ne peux pas étudier française dans le soir. Je ne sais pas vraiment quoi faire parce que j’aime vraiment la langue française.
Vendredi 16 Septembre, 17h
Je viens d’appeler une amie de mon institut d’anglais. Nous avons étudie anglais il y a 5 ans à peu près. J’ai appelle elle parce que j’ai voulais aller au cinéma pour voir « Loco, estúpido amor » mais elle m’a dit que elle a fini de travailler à 19h, ce qui signifie que j’ai fait de attendre elle pour deux heures et c’a été beaucoup pour moi, alors je suis allée à ma maison. Peut – être prochaine fois mais je ne pense pas que je vais inviter elle. Je vais inviter autre copine.
Samedi 17 Septembre,14h
Notre professeur de Ressources Humaines a laissé un projet en groupe pour Jeudi le 22 Septembre, alors, nous avons décide de faire le projet aujourd’hui mais un copain a dit que il ne peut pas parce que il a fait class de Microsoft Excel dans l’universite a la même heure aussi, alors nous avons compris lui. Le projet a fini trop bien ! Nous pensons. En plus, le projet n’a pas été difficile, il a été sur une entreprise où travaille une amie.
Please, feel free to comment, give corrections, suggestions and so on. I actually got a 14 out of 20.
Lundi 12 Septembre, 15h
J’ai été à San Isidro à Lima au Pérou avec mes amis. J’ai fait une réunion une heure avant et je pense qu’elle a été trop bien ! Mais, la présentation de mon amie n’a pas été bonne. Elle a oublié beaucoup de choses, alors notre chef s’est fâché un peu. Après, nous avons mange au restaurant. Le restaurant a été bon qu’il s’appelle « Segundo Muelle ». Nous avons commandé les plats suivants : « Maki de Pulpo al Olivo » et « Cebiche Mixto ». Ils ont été délices !
Mardi 13 Septembre, 7h
Aujourd’hui, je suis allée à l’université avec ma sœur. Nous avons fait classes dans la même heure. J’ai fait classe de Ressources Humaines au building R et elle a fait classe de Mathématiques Financières au building G. J’ai recommandé cette class parce que le professeur est super. Il a bonnes critiques comme professeur aussi. Mes amies et moi avons pris cette classe avec lui et nous avons fait de bonnes notes.
Mercredi 14 Septembre, 16h
Première fois a mon travaille que j’ai senti malade et j’ai ne sait pas pourquoi. J’ai parlé avec ma chef et elle a dit que si j’ai senti trop malade, je peux aller a ma maison, alors je suis parti. J’ai pris « El Metropolitano » et je me suis repenti parce qu’il a été plein. Prochaine fois, je pense deux fois avant de voyager dans « El Metropolitano ». Quand je suis arrive à ma maison, mon chien m’a été attendu.
Jeudi 15 Septembre, 20h
Ce soir, j’ai fait une conversation avec mon professeur de Gestion Stratégique, il m’a demande pourquoi je suis arrivée on retard a la classe chaque jeudi (classe de 19h a 22h). J’ai expliqué que je fais classe de française à la Alliance Française à Javier Prado près l’avenue « La Molina ». Il m’a dit qu’il ne peut pas présence dans la classe et il a excuse pour cela. Alors, je pense que pour l’instant je ne peux pas étudier française dans le soir. Je ne sais pas vraiment quoi faire parce que j’aime vraiment la langue française.
Vendredi 16 Septembre, 17h
Je viens d’appeler une amie de mon institut d’anglais. Nous avons étudie anglais il y a 5 ans à peu près. J’ai appelle elle parce que j’ai voulais aller au cinéma pour voir « Loco, estúpido amor » mais elle m’a dit que elle a fini de travailler à 19h, ce qui signifie que j’ai fait de attendre elle pour deux heures et c’a été beaucoup pour moi, alors je suis allée à ma maison. Peut – être prochaine fois mais je ne pense pas que je vais inviter elle. Je vais inviter autre copine.
Samedi 17 Septembre,14h
Notre professeur de Ressources Humaines a laissé un projet en groupe pour Jeudi le 22 Septembre, alors, nous avons décide de faire le projet aujourd’hui mais un copain a dit que il ne peut pas parce que il a fait class de Microsoft Excel dans l’universite a la même heure aussi, alors nous avons compris lui. Le projet a fini trop bien ! Nous pensons. En plus, le projet n’a pas été difficile, il a été sur une entreprise où travaille une amie.
Please, feel free to comment, give corrections, suggestions and so on. I actually got a 14 out of 20.
Friday, August 12, 2011
Latest trends in food
Been a while, right?
Well, i will start this post announcing the latest trends in food. Ladies and gentlemen let me introduce you to: Condoms&Body Fluids!
Gross right? I know! There has been a couple of news that caught my attention regarding this "latest trends" in food.
The first new took place in United States, where a dude gave a sample of yogurt to an innocent woman in New Mexico, the moment she tried she noticed the sample tasted a little "different", so she went to the cops and reported that the yogurt was disgusting and tasted like "semen" so the cops asked her: " so mam', how come you know it tastes like semen? , she answered: " oh, because i just had it for breakfast". LOL, seriously??
The second one took place in Brazil, where a whole family had for dinner meatballs with tomatoes sauce, nothing awkward so far right? but later on, one member of the family found a condom in the bottom of to tomatoe can! EW. I bet they were satisfied before the new discovery.
Wanna read more about the truly story? Check out the following pages. See ya fellas.
Well, i will start this post announcing the latest trends in food. Ladies and gentlemen let me introduce you to: Condoms&Body Fluids!
Gross right? I know! There has been a couple of news that caught my attention regarding this "latest trends" in food.
The first new took place in United States, where a dude gave a sample of yogurt to an innocent woman in New Mexico, the moment she tried she noticed the sample tasted a little "different", so she went to the cops and reported that the yogurt was disgusting and tasted like "semen" so the cops asked her: " so mam', how come you know it tastes like semen? , she answered: " oh, because i just had it for breakfast". LOL, seriously??
The second one took place in Brazil, where a whole family had for dinner meatballs with tomatoes sauce, nothing awkward so far right? but later on, one member of the family found a condom in the bottom of to tomatoe can! EW. I bet they were satisfied before the new discovery.
Wanna read more about the truly story? Check out the following pages. See ya fellas.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Thanks Earl
So, instead of studying for exams, i decided to hang out a little on the web and that's how i end it up watching "My Name is Eal", which is (by the way) one of me favorite sitcoms.
This chapter is about #27 on Earl's list: Made fun of people with accents. After wacthing it, i came in the conclusion that i should be doing the same, i mean try to cross that number in my "list" ( i don't have one yet).
How many times have i made fun of people's accent? TONS. Did i like when a couple of students in Wisconsin made fun of my accent? NO. So i shouldn't be doing to people what i don't want them to do to me.
They call it Karma, and i say: Thanks Earl.
PS: I actually just don't make fun of people's accent, i make fun of everything.
Made fun of people with accents
This chapter is about #27 on Earl's list: Made fun of people with accents. After wacthing it, i came in the conclusion that i should be doing the same, i mean try to cross that number in my "list" ( i don't have one yet).
How many times have i made fun of people's accent? TONS. Did i like when a couple of students in Wisconsin made fun of my accent? NO. So i shouldn't be doing to people what i don't want them to do to me.
They call it Karma, and i say: Thanks Earl.
PS: I actually just don't make fun of people's accent, i make fun of everything.
Made fun of people with accents
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Play Gorillaz Groove Session
This is an online game i just found out on the web. Yes, Gorillaz the band.
Play Gorillaz Groove Session

Enjoy it.
Play Gorillaz Groove Session

Enjoy it.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Monday, April 25, 2011
When someone gets upset gets really upset? Does that even exist? How upset can a human being get? Beyond spectacular limits, of course. And what about the consequences of getting upset? They can be really surprising.
This is not a story or a new. This is life. Real life. And Here comes the final question what if "upset" comes together with "let down"? What would you do then?
I dont't really want to think about the consequences of feeling both. If just the first one, makes you commit spectacular acts; consequently, feeling the two of them at same time will make you commit what?
A day to reflex.
Ps: a good song "love will tear us apart" - Joy Division
This is not a story or a new. This is life. Real life. And Here comes the final question what if "upset" comes together with "let down"? What would you do then?
I dont't really want to think about the consequences of feeling both. If just the first one, makes you commit spectacular acts; consequently, feeling the two of them at same time will make you commit what?
A day to reflex.
Ps: a good song "love will tear us apart" - Joy Division
Friday, April 22, 2011
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Cooking VS Marriage
Don't get me wrong when you read the tittle, just keep reading.
The other day, i had a little argument with my mom, she was complaining because i don't know how to cook ( i don't wanna learn either), so she convinced my dad to talk to me and push me to learn to cook. None of their attempts were success.
Two seconds later my mom said: "You are never gonna get married then"
0.00001 seconds later i said: "I don't wanna get married"
We all stayed in silence for a long time and suddenly changed the subject. So, this made me wonder the other day, whether or not a person decides to marry someone, is cooking a requirement in order to get marry?, is it in the paper a clause that says: no cooking, no marriage?, is it something that regards to certain cultures?
ps: Sorry about the grammar mistakes.
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