Hello my friends,
This time i won´t be writing in French, this will be an English post.
I would like to share my troublesome experience i just went through at school. I feel that i have to share it in order to reduce this press i have on my chest. Since when punctuality became a big issue for me? It's been always like that actually, plus it is not a big characteristic of Peruvians, we are actually known for patenting the word "The Peruvian Time". What does that mean? Means being always late, seriously always. We are not like Germans, who always are early on time when appointments are scheduled to them. Well, going back to "The Peruvian Time" i must confess that is not a term i am proud of, not at all. And i also have to confess that "The Peruvian Time" is ruining my daily life. When a Peruvian says "See you at 8pm" the appropriate translation is "See you at 8:30pm" (AT LEAST!), it's not like Germans or British who in their understanding that means "See you at 7:50pm", which is a good thing to follow, that i should definitely follow. I think it's part of their culture; however, it's not ours.
Being said that before, i'm going to describe my recent experience about punctuality (or should i say unpunctuality?). I was scheduled a presentation for today at 7am at school, so i takes me 30-40 in average to commute to school, that means that i have to be ready at 6:20 - 6:30 in order to make it on time. Well, today i took the bus at 6:45 and a lot of incovenients happen during commuting, the most relevant is that my cab got broken when i was very close to school!, took a bus and had to walk all the way to the classroom which is, by the way, at least 10 minutes walking. I arrived at the classroom at 7:30am and i could see my professor's face expression (disappointed) and i felt bad for myself and for the rest of the group, they were already presenting and when my turn came my professor refuse to let me present.
After the presentation i apologize for the inconvenience and she said something that still remains in my head "You just lost your plane" meaning that i could have lost the most important meeting in my life. I know i have no justifications, no excuses but this time i have failed to myself. She has given me a big life lesson and i take responsibility for it.
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